How nice to have good news on the political front for a change. Had Moore been elected, I was getting ready to say the counterpart of "yellow dog Democrat" (somebody who would vote for a yellow dog before they would vote for a Republican) was "pedophile Republican."
From the election analysis, it appears that voters of color were the ones who brought the whole country this victory. Well done, y'all. (I spent 7 years living in North Carolina; some of it stuck.)
The reason I'm blogging today is to say: Let's all take this as a great example of WHY EVERYBODY NEEDS TO VOTE. I really do think people of good will outnumber the me-first-last-and-always crowd. I really do think the majority of Americans want to see the marginalized cared for: the poor, the aged, the sick, the outcasts. I am absolutely positive that the 99% outnumbers the 1%. WE ALL NEED TO VOTE.
I am going to repost this next October or so. Between now and then there is lots of work to do to make sure we are really represented. As opposed to having some [probably] white [probably] man sitting in Washington claiming to be our representative (in Congress or the Senate).
I can't do much about any of this from Nicaragua. So I'm "using my words" (as we tell little kids who are throwing tantrums). Thanks for "listening."