Monday, December 5, 2016

New names

This blog used to be named "Talk to K Lynn."  "K Lynn" is the penname I used to publish my novel Friends in Need on Amazon for Kindle.  The Amazon folks said I should have a blog, so I made one.

I haven't used it for much.  For a while my sister and I used it to post zentangle art on websites that required posting from a blog.  But we have found other ways to post.

Recently I have been pondering what I should do about the current situation in the U.S. with Donald Trump as the President-elect.  Especially since I live in Nicaragua and can't be physically present at protests, wear a safety pin, etc.  I decided I could at least talk to people electronically.  So I decided to change the nature of this blog and use it for my own personal reflections as we head into 2017, and to share things that come to my attention that I would like to pass on.

I'm going to publish these posts on my Facebook page as well.  I don't know if there's a way with this server ( to set up a subscription or a way to follow the blog directly in your email.  Maybe if somebody does know how, they will let me know!

Anyway, I would be happy for folks to pass this along any way that occurs to you.  And, please, to make comments if you have any.  I'd love to have dialogue, even with -- no, especially with people who disagree with something I say.

Incidentally, I am working on another novel I'd like to publish on Amazon some day.  So if you want to talk about Friends in Need or if I want to talk about Chosen, I'll still use this blog as an author.

Thanks for "listening."

Kathy (KLF)

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