Friday, March 17, 2017


One exciting thing about the Trump administration.  Just when you think you've "seen everything," they come up with something even worse.

I am taking this information from an article in the March 16 Daily Kos, written by Joan McCarter.  She quotes Trump's budget director Mick Mulvaney speaking about Meals on Wheels and after-school nutrition programs.  Trump's proposed budget cuts these programs because they "aren't showing any results."

"We can't spend money on programs just because they sound good.  Meals on Wheels sounds great . . . [but] I can't defend that any more."

"[After-school nutrition programs] are supposed to help kids who don't get fed at home get fed so they do better in school.  Guess what?  There's no evidence they're actually doing that."

Excuse me.  Feeding shut-ins, primarily elderly people with few resources, and feeding children who are not getting enough food at home -- just FEEDING them counts as "results" to me.  How can the administration that promised to give the government back to the people justify balancing their budget at the expense of old people and children?  I mean -- what sense does that even make?

Oh, but Mick Mulvaney understands about compassion.  The "compassionate" thing that matters to do, according to him, is "to go to [the taxpayers] and say, look, we're not going to ask you for your hard-earned money anymore.  Single mom of two in Detroit, give us your money.  We're not going to do that anymore unless they can guarantee that money will be used in a proper function.  That is about as compassionate as you can get."

Yeah, like increasing the military budget, which DEFINITELY has a record of good results, right?

Give me a break.  I cannot believe this.

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