Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Not really a travelogue

One time, Pat and I took our two-week vacation in the state of Utah.  We went to Arches National Park. 

Then we went to Bryce Canyon and Zion.

We also drove through National Forest land.

And we ended up at one of my favorite places in the world, the Grand Canyon.

Almost every day, I would look out the window of the car and demand, "What state are we in now?!?"  And it was always Utah.  And we didn't even get up to the Great Salt Lake and Salt Lake City.

What an amazing state.  And I could do the same thing for our nation, couldn't I, from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foam.  We are blessed with such a wealth of splendid diversity.

So why can't we appreciate the diversity of our fellow citizens as much as we appreciate the diversity of our landscapes?  How splendid that we have neighbors -- whether literally next door or across the country -- from so many different cultural backgrounds, of such a palette of skin colors, with interests varying from NASCAR to NASA.  Wouldn't it be boring if everybody were the same?

Diversity is a resource and a blessing.  We need to come around to a new appreciation of community.  Try not to think of people who don't look like us as a threat.  Try not to think of people with different lifestyles as inferior or wrong.  In a community where people value each other, nobody is shooting at anybody.  Hate crimes are not making life bitter.  People with power are not abusing people sexually or any other way.

It just breaks my heart how little genuine community there is in our splendid country.  And it thrills me when I read stories of incidents that demonstrate the community we could have if we decided to do it.  Please.  You know the song:  Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me?  Let there be community on earth, especially in the good old USA.  And let it begin with each one of us.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

How many more shootings?

I haven't added to this blog in a long time, but the recent eruption of shootings has motivated me.

I believe that there are LOTS of people who would like to see a better system of gun control in the U.S.  I have read many posts by gun owners who think we need better gun control.  But the answer always seems to be:  But the NRA . . .

OK.  The NRA has a lot of members.  And a lot of political clout.  Congresspeople and Senators don't want to get the NRA mad at them.

So it seems to me that gun control needs its own organization.  I'll call it the National Gun Control Association (NGCA) -- but I'll bet somebody can think of a better name.  I'll bet the NGCA could end up having more members than the NRA.  I'll bet there are people willing to put their money where their mouth is to make sure the NGCA could run its own ads to counteract the NRA's.  I'll bet there are people familiar with lobbying (or willing to learn) who could go to the halls of Congress and tell folks:  You REALLY need to take the NGCA seriously.  And get out there ahead of the 2018 elections to let every Representative and 1/3 of the Senators understand that being wishy-washy about gun control may get them NRA votes, but will lose them LOTS MORE VOTES from the NCGA.

So how about somebody with organizing experience and charisma and time get out there and make this thing happen?  I, unfortunately, have none of those things.  But I'm willing to put out the word.  And I would join.